What You Should Look for in a Tampa Bay Area Podiatrist

A Tampa Bay area podiatrist is … well, it’s not that hard to find, honestly. We’re a big region, after all. If it exists, you can probably find it somewhere around here—maybe at Hong Kong Willie’s!

But what about finding a good podiatrist? What should you actually expect from an appointment with a foot doctor not just in the Tampa Bay area, but anywhere you go?

At Precision Foot and Ankle, we can’t speak for how other practices operate or what they offer. What we can do, however, is speak for ourselves, and provide you a sense of what you can and should expect when you walk through our doors.

Combining New Techniques with Traditional Sensibilities

A good practice of any sort will always keep up with new treatments and technologies. But staying on the cutting edge does not mean abandoning time-honored techniques that work, and it definitely doesn’t mean abandoning the proper way to approach a patient.

We constantly look at and invest in new methods of care—both direct and preventative. One of our latest at this time is our Smart-ABI system, a portable and easy-to-use way to gauge circulatory performance in our patients’ feet. It’s a fantastic tool for monitoring the effects of conditions such as peripheral artery disease over time and taking action before worse complications can arise.

However, revising our tools and approaches will only ever have one goal in mind: providing a patient the best experience possible.

How Should You Expect to Be Treated as a Patient?

The way we approach our patients is firmly rooted in common sense and common decency. Our policy involves a number of patient-focused edicts:

  • We will treat you with respect. We understand that going to a podiatrist (or a doctor of any sort) is not an ideal situation for many people. You may be concerned, irritated, or even scared, and that is all perfectly normal. Dr. Dennis Tenenboym and staff will do their absolute best to help you feel comfortable and like a human being—not just a part of the day’s work.
  • We will take the time to listen to you. An examination should never be a one-sided interaction. We should learn not only what foot or ankle condition you may be facing, but also how it is affecting your life. Knowing how a problem shows up in your day and how it affects your life are necessary prerequisites for recommending an ideal treatment plan. Whether your pain affects your work, your workouts, or both can have a very significant effect, and that can be just one piece of an overall picture!
  • We will ensure you are as informed as possible about your condition and treatment options. Going to a doctor does not mean you are forced to do whatever form of treatment we recommend. You deserve to fully understand why we believe our recommendations will help your condition and is the best option for your lifestyle. Sometimes, more than one good option is available, and you deserve to know the full deal on each.
  • We will work with you as an active and empowered participant in your own treatment process. We make our treatment recommendations based on the scope we have from an examination and learning about your life. But the only one who knows everything about you is you.

We will listen to any concerns and questions you may have regarding your treatment plan. Please never hesitate to bring anything up! You should never feel like you are being forced through a treatment without a full understanding and full control over what is going on.

We can’t overemphasize how much we wish you to be a respected and included decision-maker of your own foot and ankle health. The confidence of a patient in their own treatment is an essential element of an effective recovery, and that is true in every field!

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

We can talk all day about how we have great treatments and treat patients nicely, but it doesn’t mean that much if we don’t have proof.

Our Testimonials page showcases a number of our previous patients who have received care at Precision Foot and Ankle. Please feel free to look through their stories—some of them may even be similar to yours!

Our Best Foot and Ankle Care for All Patients

If you are looking for a podiatrist in the Tampa Bay area, we hope you will consider our office in Pinellas Park. We invite you to learn more about us and our services on our website before doing so.

When you’re ready to schedule an appointment, simply give us a call at (727) 399-7167. If you prefer to contact us electronically instead, you can always fill out our online contact form and a member of our office staff will be in touch with you.


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