1. Upgrade Your Shoes
The shoes you wear play a big roll in your overall foot health. Now, I get that we live in Florida and it’s summer time, but if you want to get rid of the pain, you may want to switch to sneakers for a while. A quality pair of sneakers will help absorb shock and prevent overpronation, or the flattening of your arch while you walk.
If you would like to have your shoes evaluated, please feel free to bring them with you to your appointment for our doctor to look at.
2. Avoid Walking Barefoot
Barefoot walking can increase the stress on your feet and result in pain. Try finding a very comfortable pair of slippers or sandals and start wearing them while at home on those hard surfaces. You might just find that your pain will begin to improve!
If your pain continues does not improve or continues to worsen, this may be something serious and you should call your local foot specialist for an appointment.
3. Use That Ice Pack
Take a bottle of water and place it in the freezer. When the bottle is frozen, roll your heel on it while seated for 10 minutes, three times per day. You can also use an ice pack if you want. The ice will help reduce the inflammation in your heels, which may help to improve your pain.
4. Stretch Your Calf Muscles
A lot of times, heel pain is caused by tight calf muscles. This is the case in the majority of people. You should begin to stretch your calf muscles 3 times per day and hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Do not bound while stretching. Our patients receive a handout and demonstrations on how to perform these stretches safely and effectively to achieve the best results. Please feel free to contact us for more information on stretching.
5. Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine
Anti-inflammatory medicine is an important part of treating most types of heel pain. You should see your doctor for recommendations prior to starting any new medications, since medications may have side effects. There are several different types of medicines in this category that you can find at your local pharmacy. Anti-inflammatory medicine will help decrease swelling and pain caused by inflammation that typically results in most types of heel pain.
6. Avoid impact activities like running and jumping
Running and jumping cause pain and inflammation in your heels. If you are having heel pain, it is best to avoid these types of activities until the pain goes away. Many athletes will see their local podiatrist and begin a cross-training program while the pain improves so that they can maintain their level of fitness while avoiding impact activities.
7. Buy a nice pair of over-the-counter arch supports
Arch supports can help support your feet while you are walking and running. If you have flat feet or high arched feet, try a simple arch support from your local running store or local podiatrist. Make sure you take the sock liners out of your current shoes when you add an insert. The sock liner is generally glued lightly to the inside of your sneakers and is meant to be removed if you wear inserts. If you do not have any improvement or if you notice worsening of your pain, your foot problem may be serious and you should seek medical attention. Arch supports help reduce the amount of strain on the ligaments in your foot.
8. Orthotics
Custom molded orthotics are devices that go into your shoes and are custom-molded by your foot specialist. These devices hold your feet in a position that allows them to heal and function as best as possible. If you are concerned about the way you walk or continue to experience pain, consider having orthotics made for you to help you get rid of that pain. Your feet won’t be disappointed!
Make an appointment today with our foot specialist to order your orthotics.